

Our vision at Overland is to bring you, our valuable customers, the best range of quality fashion footwear sourced from around the globe. Attention to detail and design is paramount to everything we do, from the design and styling of our ranges to the stores that you visit, we want the experience to be nothing short of brilliant.

alisha maloney
alisha maloney
sarah cumming
Chloe Lendich
Chloe Lendich
Leah Booth
Leah Booth
Shelley Wheeler
Shelley Wheeler
giovanna fleming
dianne pulham
Kirsty Nicolle
Kirsty Nicolle
conor kemp
Yaeh Smeaton
Yaeh Smeaton
aroha harawira
cat young
anna harding
Tanya Wyatt
Tanya Wyatt
Kayla marshall
Kayla marshall
Amelia Marwick
Amelia Marwick
Lillie Brownlie
Lillie Brownlie
sam walsh
katie graham
amelia ching
amelia ching
sophie lester