moochi 'beautiful poison' short film
Today moochi as part of their latest spring collection release 'beautiful poison', present a short film.
Delving into a beautiful, dark botanical world, film makers ClairObscur worked alongside Moochi to bring to life the four chapters in the moochi spring collection- "the boy", "the girl", "the garden", and "to die for". All inspired by the children's book "The Poison Diaries".
Filmed at 'eden garden', on the side of mt eden in auckland, the second short film moochi have made this year, is an emotional journey through the 'beautiful poison' collection.
Kellie Taylor, Creative Director of moochi wanted to work with this new communication tool to add yet another exciting element to fashion communication and push the boundaries once again wide open.
"It is incredible how much more the fashion industry does now than a decade ago, we have to be so much more than fashion designers, to communicate our vision, it's an exciting time!"